In the last three decades alone, more than 3,000 lives of police officers have been saved by ballistic-resistant soft body armor. This shows how great a job the soft armor is doing in terms of ballistic protection. Bulletproof vests come in different Levels according to the National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) world. A Level II bulletproof vest offers protection against 9mm and .357 rounds, but for increased threats, perhaps a Level IIIa vest is needed, which can also stop a .44 Magnum bullet. Vests at these levels and below are known as ‘soft armors’, as they use soft fabrics like Kevlar.

However, in a case where a gun isn’t likely to be a threat, it is safe to know that knives and needles provide just as serious a threat and are just as easily concealed if not more so in areas where guns cannot be taken. This is why it is important to get Stab and Spike proof bulletproof vests. There are soft armor vests that are available that offer protection against these threats, graded by the UK Home

Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) as KR1 or KR2 (Knife-resistant), and SP1 or SP2 (Spike proof).

It is also possible to get armor that can protect against multiple threats, which is helpful particularly in close-quarters situations where you don’t know whether you will face a knife or a gun. All these vests are available in covert styles, designed to be worn underneath clothing so you can remain discreet and blend in. This has the benefit of disguising your nature as a Security Operative and giving you a free range of movement and breathability, as some manufacturers use breathable materials in their carriers. This means that vests can be worn comfortably for extended periods without impacting performance.

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